Potential leak of data: CVE Reference

Detected 1 occurrence(s) of ‘CVE\-20[0-1]{1}[0-9]{1}\-[0-9]{4}’:
nel live in the -5 GMT (Eastern, US) timezone. Don't be pissy if no one is up past their bedtimes.
##security       218  http://www.fnsecurity.org | http://fnsecurity.blogspot.com | SSL/TLS Vulnerability - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=CVE-2009-3555
##sed            69   the stream editor | http://sed.sf.net/sedfaq.html | http://xrl.us/sedintro#uh-0 | http://xrl.us/sedstd | http://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/ | UPT3 34.17 |  Be patient, someone will answer your question.
##SICP           10   S
Detected 2 occurrence(s) of ‘(\| [a-z0-9\-\._]+@\S+\.[a-z]{2,4} \| \S+)’:
List aur-dev@archlinux.org http://archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/aur-dev
#archlinux-br    13   Veja as regras em wiki.archlinux-br.org/IRC | Dúvidas: procure no Wiki, fórum, lista de discussão e GOOGLE. | wiki.archlinux-br.org | forum.archlinux-br.org | archlinux-br@googlegroups.com | HTTP://LMGTFY.COM | LEIA ANTES DE PERGUNTAR: http://atalho.to/aprendaaperguntar | Download do ArchLinux - www.archlinux-br.org/download | Quer ser um voluntário e ajudar o archlinux-br? Mande email para corvolino@archlinux-br.org
#archlinux-bugs  20   Bug squashing day i
Detected 2 occurrence(s) of ‘[ht|f]tp[s]*:\/\/.*\.log(\.gz|\.zip)*[\n\t\; ]+’:
planet.org | http://groups.fsf.org/index.php/Category:InputNeeded | New consistent skin coming soon | Interested in a fully free Android? Join #replicant.
#libssh2         11   
#libtorrent      24   [Rasterbar libtorrent] libtorrent official channel | http://www.libtorrent.org | 0.14.7 released | having configure problems? show us your config.log and receive a free cookie.
#libvisual       7    if you need help mail dennis.smit@gmail.com; www.sf.net/projects/libvisual/ ; please take over maintainership of this project (Dennis ruined his life by doing the company thing); http://people.iperform.nl/~